...of pacifiers that is. We have 3 pacifiers that we carry around everywhere with us. If we are holding Cole we have those 3 magic pacifiers with us. Let me explain... Cole wants a different pacifier for different things. It sounds strange but it is so true. Whatever works, right? Well, this is what works for us. Let me introduce you to our lifesavers :)
Here we have the Soothie...
Cole wants this pacifier only when he is bottle feeding. We have to stop him when we feed him with a bottle because he drinks it SO fast. So, we take the bottle away for short periods of time and give him his soothie. He sucks happily away (after crying for a short while about losing his bottle) and then we give him his bottle back. This soothie definitely works it’s magic for Cole.
Here we have the Platex Binky.
This one is used more frequently than the soothie, like I said the soothie only works during bottle feedings. The Binky is mostly used after I nurse him. These first 2 pacifiers don’t stay in his mouth that well. He sucks on them and they eventually fall out. But, they work when they need to.
Here is our MVP the Nuk.
This pacifier is the one used most of all. He sleeps with it, rides in the car with it and just overall enjoys it. When all else fails he will take this pacifier. It stays in the best and works the best. I don’t know what we would do without it.
Jon jokes that he wants to put them all on a key ring so we have easy access to all of them. It is so funny how 3 of the same thing work so differently for our little boy. But, like I said whatever works. Cole is our little pacifier connoisseur :)
He learned from the best! :) Nuk's are the best.
This post was too cute! I've never heard another mother speak of such! haha and like Jon, I think you need half a dozen rings with one of each on them :D
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