There are 2 new things that I wanted to blog about. I mentioned before that Jon and I cut off our DirecTV over a month ago. We haven’t really missed it all that much but we were keeping our eyes and ears open for new options. I know some new TVs can be connected to the internet and you can watch TV through that. However, as nice as our TV is, it is not new…nor does it do anything fancy like that. I was talking to my friend Becky last week and she mentioned Netflix. I had heard of Netflix, but only as a DVD rental/mail thing. Been there done that. But, they now have a new( I think it is new)feature. If you have a Wii, PS3 or Xbox 360 you can watch movies instantly over the device onto your TV (as long as you have Wi-Fi, which we do). So, I looked it up. It looked pretty decent with lots of choices for TV and movies on it. It was also only $8.99/month with unlimited instant viewing through the Wii or the computer. But wait, there’s more…they have a free month trial going on right now!! We signed up and by Saturday we had our instant viewing disc. We searched through the titles and we were pleasantly surprised. We loaded up the queue and watched a movie Saturday night. It was very handy. We usually rent from Redbox, but at $8.99 you cannot beat this. We love movies so it was a win-win for us. I definitely think that anyone who has the capabilities should try this. It is a much cheaper option than cable but there is still tons to watch.
The other thing that I wanted to mention was our new cooking technique. We have thought about this for a while but in an effort to save time and money we decided to bite the bullet and do it. This weekend we made all of our meals for the next 3 weeks. One would usually do it for the whole month but since it is new to us we didn’t want to bite off more than we could chew, so to speak. So, we picked out our recipes on Thursday night. Jon went to Publix on Friday and bought all of the canned goods and anything other than the meats (by the way we price checked later and Wal-Mart was cheaper on almost everything!! So as much as I hate to grocery shop there we will be from now on). Then on Saturday we went to Costco and bought our meats in bulk. Yesterday while Jon was working on a bookcase for the baby’s room I cooked away. I felt like it was the day before Thanksgiving! I have never cooked so much. We decided on The Pioneer Woman’s Chili, Paula Deen’s Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole and pulled pork made from pork tenderloin (recipe courtesy of Jon’s boss, who truly convinced us to do this. They have had great success with it). I cooked everything and let it cool. Then put it all in our new to us fridge in the garage (that we got for $50 from a neighbor) to cool even more. After church last night we bagged/stored it all up and put in the freezer with labels on them. We are so excited. It will definitely save us time and now we don’t need to purchase things for dinner for the next 3 weeks. We have a cook book that is all about freezing meals in bulk, but we didn’t necessarily want to freeze in bulk. Some of these recipes you would have to make 3 of each meal and I definitely would get tired of something after a while. So, we picked out things that we thought would freeze well and took some tips from Jon’s boss. We are hoping that it works. I will keep you updated!!!
Hey! We LOVE the Netflix option-we can stream to our TV too-totally worth it! And I love your cooking idea! We've started doing something somewhat similar-we double every meal we cook and freeze the second portion. I'm only cooking 2 nights this week and our freezer is full of stuff ready to go. I'm with you-anything we can do to make our lives easier on weeknights is awesome! Btw, I happened to be online when your new post popped up-promise I'm not blog stalking you! haha! :)
I need to talk to you some more about this freezer cooking thing. I have been researching this idea for a couple months now. I figured it would be great for after the baby is born. Dinner time always seemed to be when my babies would get very fussy and cry nonstop. If my meals are already prepared, this will be one less thing to deal with.
We've had Netflix for years and love it. If John's watching something on TV I don't like, I just use earbuds and watch a movie or TV series on my laptop with Netflix. Jenny watches it via her Wii. She also has awesome success using Publix and coupons. Need to get with her on Facebook, Amy. She's a SAH mother and knows how to save those pennies :)
Hey - We use Netflix on the Wii...but even better, it's off of my parents account. They don't have a Wii. Also, we watch Hulu a lot, expecially during the fall, winter & spring when the series(es) are running. Normally shows will post the day after they air, so you don't have to wait long to watch them.
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